Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Betty Crocker Gluten Free Cookie Mix

Tonight I was inspired.  After looking through my Artisanal Gluten-Free Cooking cook book and making a shopping list for the items I would need to make my first recipe tomorrow, I decided to give the kids a treat, and reached for my Betty Crocker Gluten Free Cookie Mix.

First, I would just like to say, that I don't think the cookies pictured on the front of the box are GF.  I certainly could not get the cookies I just made to stack like that.  The recipe said to pull them out of the oven when the edges were brown.  But the centers were still gooey when I did that.  I thought they would stiffen a bit after cooling.  They did...a little--but basically, I couldn't pick them up.  As you can see from the pictures, if I could get them off the pan and onto the plate without killing them, they still fell apart in our hands as we tried to eat them.  Yet in Betty Crocker's defense, the more the cooled the more "break resistant" they got.  Maybe I should have saved one or two for a little while to see if that worked.  But, with five of us in the house, the cookies didn't make it that long.  They were tasty; and I, being lactose intolerant, enjoyed being able to once again have chocolate chips.

So, I guess if you are going to make these cookies, remember the following:
1. Let them cool for a while.  Unless you want to eat your cookie with a spoon....and if you like warm cookies, that might not be such a bad idea.
2. Make the cookies smaller.  I think this would make them come out more evenly cooked, and keep them from breaking.
3.Maybe spray the pan with some Pam, so the cookies come off better.  Either that or some wax paper, or parchment paper.
4. Make sure the kids and husband don't know you are making them.  Then they can sit and cool, and won't disappear.

I would rate this product as follows:

*Difficulty: 4 out of 5 Stars

It was very easy to make.  I threw the ingredients in my kitchen aid, and mixed them.  The difficulty came in getting the cookies off the pan.

*Time: 5 out of 5 Stars

Super quick.  Only 8 minutes in the oven.

*Price per serving:  5 out of 5 stars 

$ o.22 (2 cookies), seems very reasonably priced, compared to other gluten free cookies.  Although, I wonder how much a "regular" (containing gluten) cookie from Betty Crocker costs--probably about half the price.

*OHA:  5 out of 5 Stars

Butter, 1 egg and vanilla.  SUPER!

*Yum Factor: 4 out of 5 stars (but we haven't had cookies in a while)

The cookies were pretty tasty, but a bit gritty.  I am sure that is due to the lack of gluten.

*Overall Rating: 4.6 out of 5 Stars

It was a nice treat, but I'm sure that I will find a recipe that I enjoy more.  At least I hope so-- Betty Crocker cannot be the ultimate authority in gluten free cookies.

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